I’m a professor. Will this program help me?

I often get this question from professors, post-docs, and grad students!

Even though I was a tenured full professor at the time I decided to leave academia, when I originally created the 30 Articles in Just 30 Days workshop (offered real-time only), I didn’t intend it for academics unless they were working on blog pieces or other kinds of writing along that line. And yet, academics showed up and benefited – in whatever kind of writing they were doing (most were working on books, chapters, refereed articles, etc.)

I was surprised at first and then finally stopped being surprised because of the feedback that people kept giving me. And, since I taught the workshop so often and registrants could return to take it again (with significant savings coupon) professors and postdocs showed up repeatedly.

Apple and eyeglasses on notebook

Now that the 30 Articles in Just 30 Days workshop is available as a self-paced, self-study program, I can say with confidence, it is even more beneficial to academics than the real-time class was. For example, regardless of what someone is working on, these aspects of the program are helpful:

  • Focused timewhen listening to and working with the strategies presented during a module.
  • Inspiration– which comes from me (thankfully) and also from hearing about others’ experiences using the ideas.
  • Tips about increasing overall writing “output.”People report that when they are going to write for an hour (or any other time period) they get much more written (vs. fiddling around for part of the time!) after learning from this program.
  • Ideas for laying out the structure of piecesthat you’re working on – whether it’s short articles, a book, or whatever.
  • Tools for getting out of your own way.Academics often suffer from perfectionism, imposter syndrome, and other limiting beliefs that get in the way of their achievement. Writing seems to prompt the little gremlin voices that talk you out of moving forward with your projects. This is addressed throughout the 30 Articles program.
  • Strategies that helpwhen you get “stuck.”

“Meggin has a lot of experience with many of the types of issues that block productivity. I like that she was an academic in her previous history because she is aware of the process and types of work academics do, and thus can make a connection. Her experience lets her draw from other examples to help answer questions and provide advice, and this is very useful. Of course there are issues that she may not yet have come across, but she listens to her “students” and is very willing to integrate their thoughts/suggestions into her teaching. I like that she follows up and remains available for questions.” ~Sharon Sessions, NM

“I needed to jolt myself out of complacency and procrastination due to perfectionism. This program has helped me do just that.” ~Robbin Hickman, UNLV

The 30 Articles in Just 30 Days Self-paced, Self-study Program gives you the structure and instruction to be able to write 300- to 1000-word articles easily and quickly.  You can drop the stress and anxiety and instead find yourself writing regularly – and very possibly – even enjoying it!