The PhD of Productivity

Inspiring joyful work for academics — join our community for learning, inspiration, and productivity tips.

The PhD
of Productivity

Inspiring joyful work for academics – join our community for learning, inspiration, and productivity tips.

The PhD of Productivity

Inspiring joyful work for academics – join our community for learning, inspiration, and productivity tips.

Meggin McIntosh, PhD

Coaching with Meggin

“It is never too late – in fiction or in life – to revise.” — Nancy Thayer

What Is Coaching?

If you already have a coach, you have an answer to this question. If you don’t have a coach yet, you may be wondering what it means to have a coach and whether it’s worth considering for yourself at this juncture.

With this bonus publication, you will get my ideas, strategies, and insight on coaching with no hidden agenda other than making sure you have the support you need.

Flash Classes

A series of live classes that pop up from time to time – you may join them for free! I’m doing this series because I was born to teach and I have so many ideas and concepts that I want to share and I know these ideas will be valuable to you too.


Access free, and almost free(!) classes that range from 1 hour to 5 hours of learning.

Sunday Surprise!

This is a bonus for those who have subscribed to one of Meggin’s many resources and are on our mailing list. Sunday Surprise! started a few years ago on Meggin’s birthday and has continued ever since – delivering a variety of presents – classes, videos, publications, and much more! To join the party, you are welcome to access a free resource below to be added to the mailing list.